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Facility at IIT Bombay to analyze NDMA impurity in Ranitidine
About SAIF
Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF), formerly known as the Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre (RSIC), was established at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in the year 1976, with the support of the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
SAIF, IIT Bombay houses a variety of major analytical instruments which are operated and maintained by a dedicated and qualified group of Scientists and Engineers. It is an integral part of IIT Bombay, and operates with an "open access policy". The result of this policy is that all can benefit from the services of SAIF. SAIF does not operate to compete with any commercial laboratories but, it has a vision, "to be amongst the top Analytical Instrument Laboratories in the world".
Instrumental methods of analyses form an indispensable aspect of any R & D program. Keeping in view the inability of small educational institution and industries to procure and maintain sophisticated analytical instruments, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), set up Sophisticated Analytical Instruments Facilities (SAIF) in different parts of the country.
The main objectives of SAIF facilities are :
To provide for guidance acquisition of data using Sophisticated Instruments.
To organize workshops on the use and application of various spectroscopic and analytical techniques for students, teachers and personnel from other Laboratories, Universities and Industries. .
To provide facilities of sophisticated analytical instruments to scientists and other users from academic institutes, R&D laboratories and industries to enable them to carry out measurements for
R&D work.
Development of new measurement/analytical techniques: Efforts are made by the SAIF to develop new techniques/ methods of analysis to put the instruments to their full use and offer them to the scientists for exploring new dimensions in research in various areas of science and technology.
Note: GST 18% w.e.f. 1stJuly 2017
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GST No. : 27AAATI1446A1Z7
GST ARN No. :AA270517009024I dt. 2017-05-01
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